It is important that you know your rights. The Constitution of the United States guarantees them!
Unfortunately, less-than-ethical school principals, police officers, truant officers and paranoid student services supervisors are basically "getting away with murder" because they know you don't know what your rights are--and they won't bother to tell you either! Why should they, when your ignorance works for them???
Don't let them get away with illegal conduct! Here is how you can protect yourself and your friends, and assure that your rights as a citizen of this country are honored.
STEP ONE: Download these cards. They are in .PDF (Adobe) format. Student Rights Card (courtesy of End Zero Tolerance) Know Your Rights (ACLU Pocket Card)
Read them, and keep them on yourself at all times. Print copies and pass them around to your friends!
STEP TWO: Insist that your parents send in this letter--NOW! Letter to School Superintendent
STEP THREE: read the questions and answers on this link: Juvenile Law
Yes, school officials and the police can legally LIE TO YOU and trick you into incriminating yourself. They call it "cooperating" -- we call it entrapment and a major violation of your Fifth Amendment rights!
STEP FOUR: Last, but not least, tell your friends about this website. Protect them! You can prevent their life from turning into a zero-tolerance nightmare. Make a difference. Don't wait until it's too late!
Get your own PACT cards!